Okay, so today I’m gonna talk about this Imbolc tarot spread thing I tried out. It’s supposed to be tied to this old Gaelic festival, Imbolc, which is about the changing seasons.
First off, I gotta say, I’m not a pro at this tarot stuff. But I’ve been curious, and I found this book, “Tarot for All Seasons” by Christine Jette, that got me into it. It has all these spreads and rituals, and Imbolc is one of them.
So, I decided to give it a shot. I started by getting myself in the right headspace. I mean, you can’t just jump into this, right? I took some deep breaths, tried to clear my mind, all that stuff. Then, I laid out my tarot deck and started shuffling.
Set Up The Spread
Now, here’s where it got a bit tricky. I learned that when you do a tarot reading, you should ask open-ended questions. Like, instead of asking “Will I get a new job?” you ask “What do I need to know about my career path?” Stuff like that. So, I tried to think of a good question related to the whole Imbolc theme of change and new beginnings.
I came up with this question: “What do I need to focus on to embrace the changes coming my way?” Sounds kinda deep, I know, but hey, that’s what tarot’s all about, right?
I shuffled the cards some more, really concentrating on my question, then I started the spread that I had in mind.
The Reading
- The first card I drew was for the past, what was going on before. I got the Ace of Wands. This card’s all about new beginnings, inspiration, and potential. It felt pretty spot on, considering I’ve been feeling like I’m on the verge of something new.
- Next, I drew a card for the present, what’s happening now. That was the Page of Wands. This one’s about exploration, excitement, and new opportunities. I thought, okay, this is cool, it’s like the cards are telling me I’m in a phase of discovering new things and starting fresh.
- Then, I drew a card for the future, what’s coming up. I got the Eight of Pentacles. This card is about learning new skills, dedication, and hard work. It kind of made me think that whatever changes are coming, I need to be ready to put in the effort to grow and learn.
Making Sense of It All
After I laid out all the cards, I just stared at them for a while. I looked up what each card meant in the little guidebook that came with my deck and thought about how they related to my question and each other.
It’s kind of like piecing together a puzzle. The Ace of Wands, the Page of Wands, and the Eight of Pentacles, they all seemed to be telling a story. It’s like, I’ve been feeling this spark of something new (Ace of Wands), I’m in a phase of exploring and getting excited about new possibilities (Page of Wands), and in the future, I need to be ready to work hard and learn to make the most of these changes (Eight of Pentacles).
I’m not gonna lie, it felt pretty insightful. It’s like the cards were giving me a little nudge, telling me to embrace the changes and be ready to put in the work to grow. I wrote down the cards I drew and my thoughts in my journal, so I could look back on it later.
One thing I read is that you shouldn’t do readings too often. Some people say wait at least a month between them. I guess it’s so you have time to reflect and see how things play out. And also to let the cards “recharge” or something.
So, that’s my Imbolc tarot spread experience. It was definitely interesting, and I think I’ll try it again sometime. Maybe I’ll even try some of the other spreads in that “Tarot for All Seasons” book. If any of you have tried tarot before, I’d love to hear about your experiences. It’s all pretty fascinating, isn’t it?