So, I’ve been messing around with tarot cards for a while now, and let me tell you, it’s been a trip! I started with one of those standard Rider-Waite decks – you know, the ones everyone and their grandma seems to have.
But then I thought, “Why not go indie?” I mean, there’s a whole world of independent tarot decks out there, each with its own vibe and artwork.
My first step was to just start searching online. I typed in “independent tarot decks” and, boom, a ton of stuff popped up. I started browsing through different artists’ websites and online shops that sell indie decks. It was like falling down a rabbit hole, in the best way possible.
Here’s what I did:
- Looked at the art: This was a big one for me. I wanted a deck that really spoke to me visually. Some decks are super colorful and abstract, like the Synesthesia Tarot, while others are more minimalist or nature-themed.
- Read reviews: I checked out what other people were saying about the decks I was interested in. Did they like the card stock? Was the guidebook helpful? Stuff like that.
- Considered the theme: Some decks have a specific theme, like animals, mythology, or even pop culture. I’m a big nature lover, so I was naturally drawn to decks with nature-inspired imagery.
After a few days of browsing and comparing, I finally took the plunge and ordered my first indie deck. It’s called The Oracles Deck, and it’s gorgeous. The art is so unique, and it just felt right.
Getting that deck in the mail was like Christmas morning. I ripped open the package and spent hours just looking at each card. Then I started doing readings for myself and my friends. It was so much fun, and the readings felt more personal with this unique deck.
Since then, I’ve picked up a few more independent decks. Each one has its own personality, and I love switching between them depending on my mood. Honestly, it’s become a bit of an obsession, but a good one! It’s a great way to connect with my intuition and explore different perspectives.
I even started following some of the artists on social media. It’s cool to see their creative process and get a behind-the-scenes look at how these decks are made. Some of them even do live readings and Q&As, which is pretty awesome.
So yeah, that’s my journey into the world of independent tarot decks. It’s been a blast, and I highly recommend it to anyone who’s interested in tarot. Don’t be afraid to step outside the mainstream and find a deck that truly resonates with you. You might be surprised at what you discover!