Okay, so the other day I got this idea to try out a “Ja Nein Tarot” reading. I’ve dabbled in tarot before, but this was a new one for me. Basically, it’s all about getting straight-up yes or no answers to your burning questions. Sounded simple enough, right? I grabbed my trusty deck and got to work.
First things first, I needed a question. I’ve been mulling over a big career change, so I went with, “Should I switch to a new career path?” I held the question in my mind, nice and clear, like the internet told me to. Then I started shuffling the cards. I shuffled them good, really mixing them up while keeping my question front and center. Some people like to cut the deck after, but I just went with my gut and stopped when it felt right.
Now, there are a couple of ways to pull cards for this. Some folks like to pull one card—upright for yes, reversed for no. But I found this other method where you pull three cards, and it gives you a more vibe-y answer. So, I fanned out the cards and picked three with my left hand, just like that one blog suggested. And boom, I had my three cards.
- The first card: The Hermit, upright.
- The second card: The Nine of Swords, reversed.
- The third card: The World, upright.
Alright, time to figure out what the heck these cards were telling me. Upright cards generally lean towards a “yes,” and reversed ones towards a “no.” But it’s not always that cut and dry. The Hermit, even upright, is kind of a cautious, introspective card. It made me think I should probably do some serious soul-searching before making any big moves.
The Nine of Swords reversed was a bit of a relief. This card is all about anxiety and fear, but flipped around, it suggests that maybe those fears are starting to fade. So, that’s a good sign, right? Less fear, more courage to make a change.
And then there’s The World, upright. This card is super positive—it’s about completion, achievement, and feeling like you’re on top of the world. This definitely felt like a big, fat “yes” from the universe.
So, putting it all together, it seemed like the cards were saying, “Yes, go for the career change, but be thoughtful about it.” The Hermit was my reminder to be prudent and really think things through. The reversed Nine of Swords was like a thumbs up to overcome my fears. And The World was that final push, telling me that success and fulfillment are within reach. It wasn’t just a plain “yes” or “no”—it was more like a “yes, but do it smart.” I finished my record of this reading.
Honestly, the whole process was pretty cool. It wasn’t just about getting a yes or no answer. It felt like a mini-therapy session, pushing me to really think about what I want and how to get there. I’m definitely going to try this “Ja Nein” method again with other questions. It’s a neat way to get some quick guidance and do a little self-reflection at the same time. Plus, it’s way easier than those complicated spreads with a million cards!