So, I pulled out my tarot deck today because I was feeling a bit stuck, you know? Like I needed some clarity or something. I did a simple three-card spread and guess what came up? Justice and Judgement, right next to each other. I was like, “Whoa, what does this mean?”
First, I took a deep breath and just stared at the cards for a while. The artwork is always so intense, and these two are no exception. Justice is all balanced and fair, holding those scales, and Judgement has that angel with the trumpet, looking all dramatic. It felt heavy, but in a good way, like a wake-up call.
Then, I started thinking about what each card means on its own. I’ve always seen Justice as being about, well, justice. Fairness, balance, making sure things are right and even. It’s not just about the law, but about doing what’s right in your own life, being honest with yourself, that kind of thing.
Judgement, on the other hand, feels bigger. It’s like this moment of realization, a turning point. It’s about reflecting on your past, figuring out what you’ve done right and wrong, and then making a choice about where you want to go next. It’s almost like a second chance, an opportunity to start over.
Putting them together, it felt like the cards were telling me to really look at my life. I’ve been making some choices lately that I’m not super proud of, and seeing these cards together was a reminder that I need to own up to that.
Meditation: I decided to sit down and meditate for a bit. I just focused on my breath and tried to clear my head, see if any insights came up. Nothing earth-shattering, but it helped me calm down and feel more centered.
Journaling: After meditating, I grabbed my journal and started writing. I wrote about the choices I’ve been making, why I made them, and how they’ve made me feel. It was tough, but it was also really helpful to get it all out on paper.
Reflection: I’ve been spending some time just thinking about things. Going for walks, listening to music, just letting my mind wander. I’m trying to figure out what I really want, what kind of person I want to be, and what I need to do to get there.
What I did:
It’s not like I have all the answers now, but it feels like I’m on the right track. Pulling those cards was a real eye-opener. The cards is telling me that I need to take responsibility for my actions, learn from my mistakes, and make some changes. It’s not going to be easy, but I think it’s going to be worth it. I guess that is the intersting thing about tarot, I will use it next time, it really helps me to figure out some problems.
It is a long journey, but I am sure I can make it. The cards push me to be a better person and live a better life!