Okay, so I’m going to talk about my little adventure with the “Rey de Oros” tarot card. You know, the King of Pentacles in a regular deck. I’ve been messing around with tarot for a while now, not like a pro or anything, just for fun and some self-reflection.
First off, I pulled out my tarot deck. It’s a bit worn out, but I love it. I shuffled the cards, thinking about what’s been going on in my life lately. Lots of work stuff, some family things, you know, the usual. I cut the deck and there it was, the Rey de Oros staring back at me.
This card, it’s got a dude sitting on a throne, looking all regal and serious. He’s surrounded by coins and grapes and stuff, which I guess means he’s pretty well-off. In my deck, he’s also got a bull’s head on his throne, which is supposed to represent Taurus, an earth sign. Stable and grounded, you get me?
So, I started thinking, what does this mean for me? I took some notes in my journal. First, I wrote down some keywords that came to mind: wealth, stability, success, abundance. That’s what this card is generally about.
Then I got to wondering about my own situation. I’ve been working my butt off at my job, trying to get ahead. So I guess that ties into the success part. Stability? Well, I’ve been feeling a bit shaky lately, not gonna lie. Maybe this card is telling me I need to focus on that more. Find my solid ground.
I did a bit of reading too, just to see what other people say about this card. Some folks online were saying it’s about being a provider, taking care of your family. I thought about my family. I do try to be there for them, but I could probably do better. More quality time, you know?
- Wrote down some questions: How can I create more stability in my life? What steps can I take to achieve the kind of success I want? How can I be a better provider for my loved ones?
- Meditated on the card: Just sat there, looking at the image, letting my mind wander. It’s kinda relaxing, honestly.
- Pulled some more cards: I asked the deck for some advice on how to embody the energy of the Rey de Oros. Got some interesting answers, but that’s a story for another day.
What did I do next?
At the end of the day, it wasn’t like a magic revelation or anything. But it got me thinking. It made me look at my life from a different perspective. And that’s what I like about tarot. It’s like a little mirror, showing you things you might not see otherwise.
So yeah, that was my experience with the Rey de Oros. Nothing too crazy, just a regular guy trying to figure things out, one card at a time. I’m no expert, but it helped me get my thoughts straight and maybe, just maybe, it will help me find a bit more stability in this wild ride we call life. And hey, maybe I’ll even get a little closer to that king’s level of success. Who knows?