Okay, so let’s talk about this Moira asteroid astrology thing. I’ve been messing around with it for a while now, and I gotta say, it’s pretty wild.
First off, I had to figure out what asteroids even are in astrology. Turns out, they’re like these little extra bits in your birth chart that can add a lot of detail. I always thought it was just about the planets, you know? Like, I’m a Gemini with a Scorpio rising, blah blah blah. But there’s way more to it. There are lots of asteroids in the sky, but only some of them are important in astrology. And each asteroid represents different personalities, emotions, and events.
So, I started digging into the Moira asteroid. I read a ton of websites about it, and many people said it has something to do with fate and destiny. That’s like something out of an old myth. It’s supposed to be linked to the Moirai in Greek mythology, which is the three goddesses of fate. And they controlled everyone’s destiny. They are the goddesses of fate, which determines how people live and die.
To find my Moira, I had to use one of those online astrology calculators. I found one that does asteroid calculations, and you just need to put in your birth info, and it spits out your whole chart, including the asteroids. It was kinda cool to see where it landed in my chart. My Moira is in Libra in the 7th house. I was surprised that I have so many asteroids in my natal chart, and I didn’t know most of them before.
Once I knew where my Moira was, I started looking into what it meant. I found this one forum where people were sharing their experiences with Moira, and it was like reading a soap opera. Some people said it showed up in their chart when they met their soulmate or when they had a major life change. Then I read some articles about what Libra and the 7th house mean. They are about relationships and partnerships. I think my Moira’s location is really true for me. I have met the most important person in my life now. He changed my life a lot.
I decided to track my Moira transits, which is basically when the asteroid in the sky moves into different signs or houses. It takes years for it to move through the whole zodiac. It was a slow process. I had to be patient. But I wanted to see if anything significant happened when it aspected planets in my natal chart. It felt like I was waiting forever for something to happen.
And then, bam! One day, I had this crazy unexpected opportunity come up out of nowhere. It was related to my career. I could hardly believe it. I checked my transits, and sure enough, Moira was making a trine to my natal Jupiter. I had learned that Jupiter is all about luck and expansion. It felt like the universe was handing me something on a silver platter.
I’m still exploring this whole asteroid thing, and I’ve only just scratched the surface. I’m also looking into other asteroids like Psyche and Eros. They seem to be related to love. They can indicate fated relationships and past-life connections in synastry charts. I plan to explore them in the future. But it’s definitely made me see astrology in a whole new light. It’s not just about your sun sign; it’s about all these other little influences that shape your life. It’s pretty mind-blowing when you think about it.
- Step 1: Learned about asteroids in astrology.
- Step 2: Focused on the Moira asteroid, linked to fate and destiny.
- Step 3: Used an online calculator to find Moira in my birth chart (Libra, 7th house).
- Step 4: Researched the meaning of Moira, Libra, and the 7th house.
- Step 5: Tracked Moira transits to see if they coincided with significant events.
- Step 6: Experienced a major career opportunity during a Moira-Jupiter trine.
- Step 7: Continued exploring other asteroids like Psyche and Eros.
It’s been a wild ride, and I feel like I’m just getting started. Who knew these little rocks floating in space could have such a big impact on our lives? It’s definitely worth looking into if you’re into astrology and want to go deeper.